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Rsidential Land
Residential For Sale
$ 121,000
Land located in Sawcolts  approximately .40acre/17,206.29sq'. Directions: When entering Sawcolts, keep left of the church and continue along the road. The parcel of land is approximately 1,200 yards on your left.
Size: 17206 sq ft
Residential Land
Residential For Sale
$ 141,000
Land located in Sawcolts with .46 acre or 20,114.81 sq' approximately. Directions: When entering into Sawcolts, keep left of the Church and continue along the road. The parcel of land is approximately 800 yards on your left.
Size: 20114 sq ft
Residential Land located in Cedar Valley
Residential For Sale
Cedar Valley
$ 227,000
This parcel of land is located in Cedar Valley and has an approximate size of 17,424sq'. Directions: When traveling east along the Cedar Valley Main Road, pass the Golf Course on your right. Continue traveling east then make the first right onto the concrete road.  Travel south to the end of the road and make a right, then the 1st left, and travel all the way to the end.  The parcel of land is situated on the hill side on your left.
Size: 17424 sq ft
Residential Land
Residential For Sale
Cedar Valley
$ 300,000
Parcel of land located in Cedar Valley, with approximately 0.49 acre or 21,234 sq'.   Directions: When traveling on Cedar Valley Main Road, turn left onto Tristian Lane. Travel along this road and go all the way to the very end of the road, and the parcel of alnd is situated on the side of the hill
Size: 21234 sq ft
Residential Land For Sale
Residential For Sale
Marble Hill
$ 337,000
This manicured parcel of land is fenced and is located in Marble Hill with an approximate land area of 0.46acre/20,037sq.ft. The parcel of land is rectangular in shape. 
Size: 20037 sq ft
Residential land
Residential For Sale
$ 436,000
  Land approximatel 0.5acre or 21,780sq'. Directions: Traveling south along the Falmoth Main Road, turn right at the bottom of the hill as though you are traveling to the Horse Riding Club. Travel all the way until you arrive at a "dead end", the parcel of land is on your left adjacent to a chain link fence.
Size: 21780 sq ft
Residential land for sale
Residential For Sale
Ffryers Estate
$ 877,500
Land located in Ffryers Estate  approximately 1 acre or 43, 560 sq.ft Directions: Travel south and pass the Jolly Harbour entrance, pass the Valley Church Beach on your right, and pass the Church on your left, and travel up the small hill.  After you start your decent down the other side of the hill, you'll see a TBS Resl Estate sign with an arrow pointing left. Make a left turn onto the dirt road then travel all the way to the end of this road.  Tarvel around the left bend following the direction of the TBS Sign in the shape of an arrow. 
Size: 43560 sq ft
Waterfront Land on the South Eastern Coast
Residential For Sale
East of Carlisle Bay
$ 2,025,000
This Beachlot parcel is approximately 5 Acres situated on the South Eastern Coast.
Size: 217800 sq ft